Monday, March 10, 2008

Moses Residence (Curtis and Davis, 1948)

, originally uploaded by . photo by Mariela Fernandez
This is one of the earliest houses designed by Nathaniel C. Curtis, Jr. and Arthur Q. Davis. These former classmates at the Tulane School of Architecture joined forces in 1947 as Curtis and Davis, architects. They made a commitment to design contemporary buildings in New Orleans, a city firmly identified with its 18th and 19th century architectural heritage. The Bauhaus bones of the Moses Residence were enlivened by two sculptures by Alexander Calder, a mobile in the stairwell and a stabile on the exterior rear wall. Unfortunately, the sculptures are no longer on the premises. The Moses Residence is currently on the market. Our class toured the house last month with the real estate agent. For more photos, see our .


mominem said...

Do you know who was the house built for?

Francine Stock said...

The client was Walter B. Moses, Jr.

Anonymous said...

Hi Francine! Do you know how much they are selling this house for? :)